El arte de conducir bajo la lluvia /The Art of Racing in the Rain (Spanish Edition)

El arte de conducir bajo la lluvia /The Art of Racing in the Rain (Spanish Edition) - Garth Stein Sometimes a bit of simplicity is enough to find marvellous a work. That's what, from my point of view, happends with The art of racing in the rain, a novel that I enjoyed so much as it is plenty of lessons that we should apply in our everyday.

It's a very quick reading, mixing humour with tragedy in a pretty sweet way that has delighted me.

Besides, this book sets an extremely original touch which is surprising: how a dog can be really the main character of a story, how it becomes live and how it feels like a human. What's more, we discover a person which is in a dog's body, who found love, a family and a friend that it couldn't desert.

Formula 1 races appear like the perfect excuse to live vividly a story that the characters share to us to make it ours too. Rain is a wonderful decoration which will get the reader soaked of humanity and a very special love for Enzo and those things indispensable for our lives.